Lee Jun Ki Fan Art Collection

Hello Dear Readers :)
 Actlly,kagum dengan fans2 JunKi sbb diorang super duper daebak!!
fans2 Junki sume pandai m'lukis..serius mmg JJANG!

120129 Lee Jun Ki Release Album CBC Ary Nie

Hello to you all...hai ahahaaa ..actlly sye begitu + tersangat + sungguh excited ary nie c0z album baru my JunKi daa kluar !!


Ohh skew lirik dyew<3
Oh tell me,
“you’re my baby”

Yes,i want to be ur baby JunKi, take me now...takeeeeeeeeeeee~

Jom Buat Ice Blended Chocolate

Hai Korang :)Assalamualaikum >.<
Tengah2 musim panas nie, korang haus x ? x tau laa tekak nie teringin sangat nk minum ice blended chocolate..
Harini mmg daa x bole tahan lagy laa nk wat ice blended!!

*kalo nak senang blend...ais tue ketuk2 ler sket sblm masuk dlm blender...baru hancur ok~!

*dengan menggunakn HERSHEY'S chocolate syrup wat corak kt tepi.
*bhan yg diblend ais batu,susu tepung,chocolate powder,gula halus,susu pekat dan air sejuk.
*masukkan kedalam cawan tady.
*dan akan jady seperti gambar diatas.
*cedok 1 scoop aiskrim vanilla

*letakkan HERSHEY'S Chocolate syrup diatas ais krim tady.
*untuk menyelerakan lagi ice blend nie letak laa biskut Oreo..

Taaadaa..nie laa Ice blended  chocolate saye...hehehe...

130127 Arrive Incheon Airport

Fanmeeting Lee Jun Ki (JG TIME AT BEIJING) dah tamat malam sabtu ,Junki daa balik 
kt Korea smalam  jady nk share cikit fanpics yg diambil semasa JunKi arrive to Incheon Airport(South,Korea)

Credit As Tagged

130126 Lee Jun Ki Fanmeeting In Beijing

Hello dear readers Hai Hai :D
Tengah gatal nk update pulok ..hope fans2 JunKi enjoy this entry okay!!

Anyway, ary nie nak share cikit  Lee Jun Ki wat FM kt Beijing wooo..
 serius teringin sangat nk pegi FM tengox dengan muke terpegun pastu jerit2 smpai nk t'keluar anak tekak..best lol ~!

 Uwaaa~ Dia pakai panda costume nampak comel sangat. ...

Kat FM JunKi sah-sah laa adew tarian Gangnam style, kalau  x de bkan FM dye laa tuu...Kkk
tapi kali nie dye pkai cermin mata bermisai so comel~!

AMBOOIH~bole pulak dye bersila kt atas stage tuu,ish ish anak sape laa nie..?
(*Anak Lee)

dye bace surat yg ditulis sendiry kt china fans ~!hmm so sweet<3

Credit as tagged to the owner of photo